Dire & Faire
From september to december 2015
The artists : Fabien Steichen , all the public and the invited guests.
Dire & Faire is a cycle of events, a laboratory of relationships to generate moments of art in public spaces. From September to December 2015, 8 evenings took place in concomitance with the biennale of art of Lyon. At each meetings, Dire & Faire brought together people of different cultures and skills to create convivial moments, where discussion and co-writing gave rise to texts representing the collective. Then, these texts, as a performance sheet, were interpreted and transmitted in the public space to strangers; to create singular relationships. Each collective speech is published on a website. Anyone can take this text and transmit it in the public space.
The testimonies of these relational moments are also published on the website : http://dire-et-faire.fr/home.html
This website represents the project and can be considered as part of this artistic project. Dire & Faire wants to emancipate us from our narcissism, in a society where we speak more of ourselves than of a collective. Dire & Faire was an opportunity to invite guests of different know-how: doctor, poet, filmmaker, retired, professor, lawyer ….